Creating a rare night of flms.

DeFabio Design is proud to help The Patient Experience Project produce a night of films on Rare Diseases for World Rare Disease Day today, 2/29. The Pep first asked if our film Menkes Disease: Finding Help & Hope could be screened and Daniel DeFabio not only agreed but offered to curate the event, finding other local families with films about the rare diseases they are facing.  Short documentary films and clips from news programs will be screened to give a glimpse into the lives of those living with Menkes Disease, Giant Axonal Nueropathy, Niemann-Pick Type C, Malignant Infanitle Osteopetrosis and Friedrich’s Ataxia.

Our film Menkes Disease: Finding Help & Hope was completed on this day (rare disease day) one year ago -- although the addition of Mary McDonnell narrating came months later-- and today it reached 10,000 online views.

The screening tonight is sold out. More information is here.
